2005 F-Body Reunion at the National Corvette Museum
After the Factory tour, the car show in front of NCM was our next stop. Don't get me wrong, I totally loved the entire trip, but I was disappointed in one thing... The car show was pretty much DOMINATED by 4th gen F-bodies. I would like to think it's apparent that I enjoy the 3rd gens the most ('82-'92). I figured going to this show, 3rd gens might be a little rare to come by (they are not yet classics and they were not last production). I expected a large 4th gen turn out due to it being the final productions, but I also expected the 1st and 2nd gens to have a larger turn out since they are already reconized as classics.
Alright, that was my small rant. Once again, I REALLY enjoyed the entire event regardless!! I took a bunch of pics and here are some of them:
I was a little surprised to see a mint Chevy Citation at the event. Nonetheless, I had to take a pic of it and post it!